Herbridge,30 Nov.2010_Unlike other herbal extracts,the stevia market keep stable this year.RA95 prices is maintained around 1200RMB/kg in China.
It is noted that the Reb A content in steiva leaf is lower this year.Owing to a growing marketplace for stevia sweetener,large manufacturers invest more in purchasing stevia this year.Some companies without growing bases have to purchase stevia from other provinces,which increases their total production costs.
The international demand for stevia continue to increase,leading to many emerging companies in the stevia industry.It is not easy to produce Reb A lines to meet international requirements.On the whole,there are many manufacturers of stevia sweetener in China,but only a few companies can supply high-content Reb A products.
According to herbridge.com,there are a lot of stevia growers in China.Some people plan to cultivate stevia next year.Therefore,the supply for stevia will not be in shortage in the near future.