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Snapshot:Small Saw Palmetto Extract Market in Chin
Time:2013/12/19 Hits:466 author: administrator

   Herbridge,1 Dec.2010_There are only a few manufacturers of saw palmetto extracts in China.But the prices vary extremely from different regions.

   As an exotic raw mateial,saw palmetto prices slightly flutuated on account of RMB reva luation this year.The market continues to keep stable recently.In fact,the market is always small in China,and so manufacturers will not promote these products.

   Manufacturers mainly locate in Shaanxi province.The prices for 45% and 25% Saw Palmetto extract is respectively 300RMB/kg and 220RMB/kg in shannxi province,compared to 580RMB/kg and 350RMB/kg in other regions.

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